A full survey enables us to prepare a set of existing plans of the property - this then sets the stage for outline proposals (stage two) and confirms that proposals will actually fit etc..


Outline proposals - this stage offers the opportunity to look at various options for the proposed development - this can include off the wall options as well, so that above all else we don't get to the end of the project and only then realise that we could have done it all differently.

This stage is usually done in the form of sketches over the existing plans etc..


Stage three usually involves the submission of a planning application - this can be quite straight forward but also has a habit of becoming more involved, either way my job is to guide you through the process and ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible.

The role of the architect is not so much to eliminate all of the issues that can arise but ensuring they are managed correctly when they do.


Once we have our planning approval then it really comes down to how we build the project - including the foundations, the drains, the structure, the materials and the finishes.

Stage four is when we apply for building control to enable the building inspectors to inspect and approve the works as they progress.

It is at this stage that we get our final quotes and help to appoint a contractor.


Finally stage five covers everything else - all of the bits that don't require permissions before starting, but you may or may not still have questions about.

This stage enables me to deal with the things that come up on site, and the variations that can sometimes be required.

For domestic projects I usually suggest to clients that employing me to project manage is really a waste of my time and your money - few projects are actually that complicated and in 99% of cases the contractor will manage both the labour and the timings on site, therefore adding the architect to the mix simply adds an additional fee. For this reason I usually quote stage five as an hourly rate - every client and every project is different and, therefore, has its own individual issues and challenges but between you, me and the contractor we can work this through.